Saturday, October 11, 2008

About nothing. And maybe some basic math.

I love calligraphy, even though my attempts are barely amateurish at best. I like fountain pens. I want a nice one. You know, the type that comes all nice and pretty in a box and cost about $50 for a single pen? At least, thats how much the ones at Office Max were. Actually, they were all ball point. Blergh.
The refill section of the pen wall had plenty of fountain refills. No actual pens, though.

Another note...Im trying to figure out the difference between regular colored pencils and watercolor. Ive got an...interesting art project/hobby/doodle thing (If youve known me for any length of time, you probably have an idea of what this is). Im thinking color would do well with it.

ICanHasCheezburger is a fun place to play. By now, theres over three hundred pages of Lolcats, a bunch of loldoggies, some general news/political ones that are okay, and the new one that mocks tv shows and movies. Mostly Star Trek. Speaking of which, since lolcat has Caturday, theyre making a Star Trek day. ShatnerDay is the popular one. I think it sucks muchly.
Ive even made some lol's. Go see. :D

Stopped at a party store to grab a few favors for a thing. The total came to $6.30, gave the lady a Ten, searched for the 30 cents, didnt have it. The person at the register gave back $4 in change, as if we had actually had the change. Thats not a big deal. I think I made a couple bitty errors like that at the register. The issue came when we tried to correct the error, giving her the dollar back so she could give us the correct 70 cents.
She couldnt figure out what the hell we were doing, or once she did, couldnt figure out the numbers were right.

I thought basic addition and subtraction were required to get out of elementary school.
Maybe Im wrong...

Now playing: ABBA - Take a Chance on Me
via FoxyTunes
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sleep? At a sleepover? Hrmph.

....todays report was written over the span of a couple hours. yay.

A colleague of mine 'hosted' a sleepover for his daughter and some of her friends this past weekend. The next day, one of the moms called them up. Did the kids stay up all night??? Her daughter had been asleep since they got home!

Since when were sleepovers for sleeping? Youre supposed to stay up at all hours of the night doing this, that, and/or whatever (read: movies, games, uhmm...fridge raids, pranking whoever dozed off with the hand-in-water thing).

Not sleeping. Heck no!

I didnt do all that many of those when I was a kid. Two, maybe? And one wasnt even mine, it was my sisters girl scout troop. Mine was whatever.

The next closest thing was the all night extreme party that the bowling alley held for the Junior bowlers. We got dropped off at 9 or 10 at night, and were picked up at 7ish in the morning. Loud music, no tap bowling, and other stuff. Was much fun.

In a rare display of...something, Rascal is in my lap. He's not a lap kitty. I feel honored.

Im in the process of seeking out and making a playlist of all the music featured on a TV show called WitchBlade. This includes the Original Score by Joel Goldsmith, some stuff from "Witchblade - The Music" released a couple years ago, and various other songs played throughout the series. The tracklist is about 100 songs long. I wouldnt have been able to do it if not for an extensive list identifying the songs over at

Not a moment to soon, either. Where there would normally be a link to THAT list, it seems within the last day or two the site has shut down, leaving only a link to amazon for the series on DVD. Meh. I really hope thats not permanent.

Presently, Im moving my mattress off the bedspring in an effort to find osmething under the bed. Its confusing Rascal.

...who has decided now's a good time to explore. Damn.

I didnt find what I was looking for, and Im not looking forward to the day when I actually have to clean everything out from under there. Meh.
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Saturday, October 04, 2008

You could try and read this handwriting if you like. It's even worse than mine

When I was in 5th grade, my cursive really, really sucked and I was one of three or four students one of my teachers sent off elsewhere twice a week to improve it.

My handwriting is quite legible now. My boss even said I had the best handwriting in the workplace. Heh.

I think that comes from a combination of extra elementary school lessons and the fact that I taught myself calligraphy when I was 15. I also enjoy the act of writing. Which is a pain when I cant think of anything to write about.

Over the past couple years, Ive gained a little interest in graphology, or handwriting analysis. It looks really interesting, and I really want to know what mine says about me. This is mostly because I dont write the same all the time. With minimal effort, I can make it look like various people added their input to one paper. Big letters, little letters, right slant, no slant, all caps...I use it all at different times. What my handwriting looks like at any given time is dependent upon quite a few factors.. pen (rollerball, gel, fountain?) or pencil (wood or mech?), the type of paper Im writing on, whether theres only a single sheet or a few more under it...
It ridiculous, and Id love to know what that says about me.

We all know Im crazy. We just dont have the paperwork to prove it. Yet.
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This bowling ball isn't human! It doesn't feel pain! It can't be reasoned with!

Eh...yah. I missed a day or three. Sorry about that.

I got pulled into the middle of an interesting spat at work today. It was very strange...I think they were both defending me to each other on...something. I still have questions. In an unrelated, (but not really) scene, Player One kept asking Player 2 to explain something or other regarding an incident last night. P2 did. Or tried to, anyway...P1 barely let the guy get half a sentence in edgewise before making all kinds of (incorrect) presumptions and bullshit empathetic 'i understand' statements regarding P2s job. Ahem. Right. Theyve been bad about that lately.

Bowling itself is going pretty well. Came out of the 9 game establishment with a 154 average and currently hold a 160, as opposed to the 140s of last year. So long as I can maintain it, Im good.

Not likely, though, Ill have a handfull of crappy sets coming up soon. Ill be back down to the 140s in no time.

I also think I established a new personal high of 235 last week. I dont remember exactly.

Completely unrelated, but I FINALLY got ahold of some music that Ive been searching for for years. WitchBlade was an awesome show that got kicked way to early. Part of what made it so awesome was its music. It was an awesome combo of some known artist and songs, and original compositions by Joel Goldsmith. The first batch...songs that were played throughout the episodes like U2 and Rob Zombie, Crystal Method, and many others were easy to find. The original stuff, however, was no where to be found. No official releases of anything, which meant there were no unofficial releases, or even bad quality bootlegs some electronic genius geek managed to snag from their tapes.

For my birthday, I received WitchBlade DVD, and Ive been able to spend some time catching up and rewatching episodes. This, of course, has brought back the fact that I still want the music, so along with plans to not only burn a new WitchBlade mix and edit a WitchBlade playlist on my zen vision, I made one more futile attempt to search for the original score. It surprised the hell out of me when my search wasnt futile.

I got my signed CD yesterday. W00T!

Now playing: Joel Goldsmith - Retro Motorcycles
via FoxyTunes
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