All we know is that we like you. We have no taste, but we like you.
After almost a year of...well, nothing, am I really about to write something that's essentially a summarization of how bored I am?
Yes. Yes I am.
A good part of today was spent watching Animaniacs. I really can't think of a better a better cartoon. Id include Pinky and the Brain, but as it started as an Animaniacs short before venturing out alone, it counts. The amount of things that were snuck into this show that went completely over the kids heads is hilarious. On the other hand, it was quite educational. If asked to list as many nations of the world as they can, Id wager a good many people in their twenties will half speak, half sing something to the tune of the 'Mexican Hat Dance'. The state/capital thing probably has a similar story.
Netflix has tons of old (Ducktales and Animaniacs are old? NO!!!) cartoons. None of which are on instant watch. That kinda blows.
There's plenty of other stuff to watch, though. I'm almost done with Battlestar Galactica, and Ive discovered that Babylon 5 IS on instant watch. Along with XFiles, Buffy, Angel, Mythbusters, Farscape, Dr. Who, MST3K, Futurama, Southpark, Firefly, Yeah.
See? No reason to be bored at all.
Except I wasn't allowed that much TV as a kid (what was show a week? Mom, I know you're reading this. You tell me.), and it kind of stuck. Only thing I watch nowadays are the three or four shows on prime time, and that's it. Don't feel the need to turn the thing on and watch it all that often. Instead, Ill just hang out online all day long. That's much better.
Ive been told I have a crappy attention span when it comes to the television. This is untrue. I sat through 'Young Victoria' without doing anything else. Hah.
So, what am I doing anyway? Reading, mostly. My ipod has somewhere around 130 books on it, and there are several more on my computer awaiting (eventual) transfer. Or Im on the computer doing something or other.
Some of you may be familiar with the current video-gone-viral; the Double Rainbow, and then the Double Rainbow song. Funny video. Shows us that getting high isn't all that bad. Story over, move along to the next big thing.
Except that someone decided to make 'DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY!' (DRATW) a catch phrase, and it caught on. Now, not only have several people that I follow on twitter started using it, but the one whose being credited for the catch phrase is retweeting the hell out of it at a rate just under spam. Not that a guy with just over a half-million followers would actually notice that I unfollowed him, but it does almost feel like Im saying 'screw you'. Almost.
No. Im not twitter obsessed. Why do you ask?
Coincidentally, My three-year twitter anniversary is a week from today. It was a very sad day when I realized that twitter had hit the mainstream. Very sad. :(
I suppose thats why I havent been here much. Most of what I have to say can easily be summed up in a single 140 character post. Or three. I don't mind dividing them up (as opposed to the twitlonger thing). I want to hit 20k tweets by my birthday.
You know, Im sure theres some rant about the Gulf Spill, or copyrights and DRM, or politics that I could stick here. Useful, informative stuff. But thats not what this is for, and I don't like writing about it.
San Diego ComiCon is coming up, and after that, PAX. I want to go to those things so bad I can almost taste it. I wish there were enough Demands to get the awesome show known as W00tstock on this side of the country. Oh well. One day, I will go and be among my own kind.
Stumble It!
Yes. Yes I am.
A good part of today was spent watching Animaniacs. I really can't think of a better a better cartoon. Id include Pinky and the Brain, but as it started as an Animaniacs short before venturing out alone, it counts. The amount of things that were snuck into this show that went completely over the kids heads is hilarious. On the other hand, it was quite educational. If asked to list as many nations of the world as they can, Id wager a good many people in their twenties will half speak, half sing something to the tune of the 'Mexican Hat Dance'. The state/capital thing probably has a similar story.
Netflix has tons of old (Ducktales and Animaniacs are old? NO!!!) cartoons. None of which are on instant watch. That kinda blows.
There's plenty of other stuff to watch, though. I'm almost done with Battlestar Galactica, and Ive discovered that Babylon 5 IS on instant watch. Along with XFiles, Buffy, Angel, Mythbusters, Farscape, Dr. Who, MST3K, Futurama, Southpark, Firefly, Yeah.
See? No reason to be bored at all.
Except I wasn't allowed that much TV as a kid (what was show a week? Mom, I know you're reading this. You tell me.), and it kind of stuck. Only thing I watch nowadays are the three or four shows on prime time, and that's it. Don't feel the need to turn the thing on and watch it all that often. Instead, Ill just hang out online all day long. That's much better.
Ive been told I have a crappy attention span when it comes to the television. This is untrue. I sat through 'Young Victoria' without doing anything else. Hah.
So, what am I doing anyway? Reading, mostly. My ipod has somewhere around 130 books on it, and there are several more on my computer awaiting (eventual) transfer. Or Im on the computer doing something or other.
Some of you may be familiar with the current video-gone-viral; the Double Rainbow, and then the Double Rainbow song. Funny video. Shows us that getting high isn't all that bad. Story over, move along to the next big thing.
Except that someone decided to make 'DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY!' (DRATW) a catch phrase, and it caught on. Now, not only have several people that I follow on twitter started using it, but the one whose being credited for the catch phrase is retweeting the hell out of it at a rate just under spam. Not that a guy with just over a half-million followers would actually notice that I unfollowed him, but it does almost feel like Im saying 'screw you'. Almost.
No. Im not twitter obsessed. Why do you ask?
Coincidentally, My three-year twitter anniversary is a week from today. It was a very sad day when I realized that twitter had hit the mainstream. Very sad. :(
I suppose thats why I havent been here much. Most of what I have to say can easily be summed up in a single 140 character post. Or three. I don't mind dividing them up (as opposed to the twitlonger thing). I want to hit 20k tweets by my birthday.
You know, Im sure theres some rant about the Gulf Spill, or copyrights and DRM, or politics that I could stick here. Useful, informative stuff. But thats not what this is for, and I don't like writing about it.
San Diego ComiCon is coming up, and after that, PAX. I want to go to those things so bad I can almost taste it. I wish there were enough Demands to get the awesome show known as W00tstock on this side of the country. Oh well. One day, I will go and be among my own kind.

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