You could try and read this handwriting if you like. It's even worse than mine
When I was in 5th grade, my cursive really, really sucked and I was one of three or four students one of my teachers sent off elsewhere twice a week to improve it.
My handwriting is quite legible now. My boss even said I had the best handwriting in the workplace. Heh.
I think that comes from a combination of extra elementary school lessons and the fact that I taught myself calligraphy when I was 15. I also enjoy the act of writing. Which is a pain when I cant think of anything to write about.
Over the past couple years, Ive gained a little interest in graphology, or handwriting analysis. It looks really interesting, and I really want to know what mine says about me. This is mostly because I dont write the same all the time. With minimal effort, I can make it look like various people added their input to one paper. Big letters, little letters, right slant, no slant, all caps...I use it all at different times. What my handwriting looks like at any given time is dependent upon quite a few factors.. pen (rollerball, gel, fountain?) or pencil (wood or mech?), the type of paper Im writing on, whether theres only a single sheet or a few more under it...
It ridiculous, and Id love to know what that says about me.
We all know Im crazy. We just dont have the paperwork to prove it. Yet.
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My handwriting is quite legible now. My boss even said I had the best handwriting in the workplace. Heh.
I think that comes from a combination of extra elementary school lessons and the fact that I taught myself calligraphy when I was 15. I also enjoy the act of writing. Which is a pain when I cant think of anything to write about.
Over the past couple years, Ive gained a little interest in graphology, or handwriting analysis. It looks really interesting, and I really want to know what mine says about me. This is mostly because I dont write the same all the time. With minimal effort, I can make it look like various people added their input to one paper. Big letters, little letters, right slant, no slant, all caps...I use it all at different times. What my handwriting looks like at any given time is dependent upon quite a few factors.. pen (rollerball, gel, fountain?) or pencil (wood or mech?), the type of paper Im writing on, whether theres only a single sheet or a few more under it...
It ridiculous, and Id love to know what that says about me.
We all know Im crazy. We just dont have the paperwork to prove it. Yet.

Post or if you want it private send me a sample of your writing and I will do a "quickie" analysis for you. I'm on gmail.
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