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Today started the discussion of Christmas baking. Sort of. It came up last week sometime with a "What cookies do you want to make?".
The arsenal of goodies to be sent out has changed quite a bit over the years. When I was a kid, they included basic cookies that my sister and I 'painted' with icing made of egg whites (or yolk? or both? I dunno...) and food coloring. We also had this gadget that made cookies in really cool shapes. That thing was cool. The shapes were neat and it was fun to play with.
The only problem was that the cookies werent all that good. Very bland. I didnt even like the dough all that much. Which is saying something. It came with its own recipe because the dough consistency had to be specific.
Neither of those get made now.
A few survived. Cookie kisses are a must. Hershey kisses wrapped completely in dough and covered with powered sugar. Walnut cookies are in there, along with oatmeal and Neiman Marcus. My mother also makes up a few loaves of strawberry bread.
At some point in time, we may get around to watching my two favorite Christmas movies: Die Hard and White Christmas. Watched some of White Christmas already. It was on Lifetime. Nevermind that I had just brought the DVD. I still watched it on TV, with commercials. Now, for Die Hard.
I swear, no matter how many times you watch it, it never gets old.
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The arsenal of goodies to be sent out has changed quite a bit over the years. When I was a kid, they included basic cookies that my sister and I 'painted' with icing made of egg whites (or yolk? or both? I dunno...) and food coloring. We also had this gadget that made cookies in really cool shapes. That thing was cool. The shapes were neat and it was fun to play with.
The only problem was that the cookies werent all that good. Very bland. I didnt even like the dough all that much. Which is saying something. It came with its own recipe because the dough consistency had to be specific.
Neither of those get made now.
A few survived. Cookie kisses are a must. Hershey kisses wrapped completely in dough and covered with powered sugar. Walnut cookies are in there, along with oatmeal and Neiman Marcus. My mother also makes up a few loaves of strawberry bread.
At some point in time, we may get around to watching my two favorite Christmas movies: Die Hard and White Christmas. Watched some of White Christmas already. It was on Lifetime. Nevermind that I had just brought the DVD. I still watched it on TV, with commercials. Now, for Die Hard.
I swear, no matter how many times you watch it, it never gets old.

Heh. Did you see my Tweet about my friend and I planning to do this number (at a con) as the Duras Sisters?
(In full Klingon dresses, using Bat'leths in place of feather fans!)
We bailed, RL didn't let us plan it with enough time to do it justice.
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