I hate beans. This could be a problem if I ever go vegan. Or Vegetarian. Or...uhm, yeah.
A handful of the people I follow on Twitter are from California. As it turns out, most of that set are vegans in some form another. This is cool. This probably means theyre healthier than I am.
...Maybe. I overheard someone scoff at that and mention chocolate was on the 'okay' list. They were a fan of Lindt
I know a few around here, too. Had classes with some, which wouldnt normally be anything major, except it was a music class and we toured. The class was usually no bigger than 12ish people any given semester, and about half were vegans. A couple of the others were meat/potato type people, and then you had a few like me, who didnt care so long as they could find something on the menu that was halfway decent. It wasnt unheard of for the first two groups to get into arguments about where to stop for dinner. Especially since we were often in or near Asheville NC, which has often been considered the "San Francisco of the East Coast", and has plenty of Vegan-friendly eateries. So, yeah. We hit a few of them up. We also hit a steakhouse once or twice as well...just to be fair. Normally, I was nice and got something that wouldnt throw the others off too much, as my usual Outback faire is something most would have a cow (er, no pun intended) over. Though, once I did order it anyway out of spite because a couple of them had done something to piss me off. Oddly enough, the one that was made most uncomfortable was a classmate that had labeled herself a 'recovering Vegetarian', and had gotten a well done ribeye, or something. I did feel bad for her, as she wasnt the cause of my ire.
I used to think about trying it...just to see if I could do it.
I dont think I can. Maybe a half-assed version (isnt there a 'no red meat' variety or something?), but not full on.
Im (usually) not that much of a picky eater, but as luck would have it, I pretty much dislike what apparently makes up a good percentage of vegetarian foods. Mostly beans. I hate beans. I think there were a total of three things on a very vast menu that did not include beans. I think I ended up with chips and pico di gallo salsa. On the bright side, it was very good. Humus? Maybe. Itd be an aquired taste, and if I recall correctly I wasnt a fan of the consistency. Tofu was a by-the-dish thing. Most of the time, I didnt care for it. Others, it was okay. The tico burrito and low country rollups from a place called Laughing Seed Cafe in Asheville looks good.
Also, after looking at these menus, Im going to admit that I dont have a damn clue what the heck tempeh is, and am googleing it in another tab. It looks like its going to be another 'wont know til I try it' things.
Theres the fact that I really could care less that Mickey Ds uses beef extract for fries. Sorry about that.
When I started this post, I was looking back at my diet. While it could be better (psh. lot better), Ive found that theres not much in the way of red meat on there that I like. I think Im mostly limited to burgers and steaks in that regard, and Italian sausage (though I honestly dont care for meat at all in Italian food). None of which come along all that much. Not a fan of stuff like pot roast or meat loaf and such. I think this had occurred to me before. I donate platelets on a regular basis (or try to), and Ive gotten turned away more than once due to my iron count being too low. They ask me how much red meat I eat, and in hindsight, Im always surprised that the answers 'not all that much'.
Okay, so maybe if I really, really tried, I might be able to get away with it. But not here. I looked up Charlotte Vegetarian/vegan places, and theres not much. Mostly Indian places with lots of things I cant pronounce and lentil. Lentil is too close to beans for my liking.
Like I said...Asheville's the SF of the East. They have lots of places that look interesting. Its also no secret to anyone that I want to move back west to the mountains. Its a win-win thing.
Itll still be the beans that kills me, though.
Stumble It!
...Maybe. I overheard someone scoff at that and mention chocolate was on the 'okay' list. They were a fan of Lindt
I know a few around here, too. Had classes with some, which wouldnt normally be anything major, except it was a music class and we toured. The class was usually no bigger than 12ish people any given semester, and about half were vegans. A couple of the others were meat/potato type people, and then you had a few like me, who didnt care so long as they could find something on the menu that was halfway decent. It wasnt unheard of for the first two groups to get into arguments about where to stop for dinner. Especially since we were often in or near Asheville NC, which has often been considered the "San Francisco of the East Coast", and has plenty of Vegan-friendly eateries. So, yeah. We hit a few of them up. We also hit a steakhouse once or twice as well...just to be fair. Normally, I was nice and got something that wouldnt throw the others off too much, as my usual Outback faire is something most would have a cow (er, no pun intended) over. Though, once I did order it anyway out of spite because a couple of them had done something to piss me off. Oddly enough, the one that was made most uncomfortable was a classmate that had labeled herself a 'recovering Vegetarian', and had gotten a well done ribeye, or something. I did feel bad for her, as she wasnt the cause of my ire.
I used to think about trying it...just to see if I could do it.
I dont think I can. Maybe a half-assed version (isnt there a 'no red meat' variety or something?), but not full on.
Im (usually) not that much of a picky eater, but as luck would have it, I pretty much dislike what apparently makes up a good percentage of vegetarian foods. Mostly beans. I hate beans. I think there were a total of three things on a very vast menu that did not include beans. I think I ended up with chips and pico di gallo salsa. On the bright side, it was very good. Humus? Maybe. Itd be an aquired taste, and if I recall correctly I wasnt a fan of the consistency. Tofu was a by-the-dish thing. Most of the time, I didnt care for it. Others, it was okay. The tico burrito and low country rollups from a place called Laughing Seed Cafe in Asheville looks good.
Also, after looking at these menus, Im going to admit that I dont have a damn clue what the heck tempeh is, and am googleing it in another tab. It looks like its going to be another 'wont know til I try it' things.
Theres the fact that I really could care less that Mickey Ds uses beef extract for fries. Sorry about that.
When I started this post, I was looking back at my diet. While it could be better (psh. lot better), Ive found that theres not much in the way of red meat on there that I like. I think Im mostly limited to burgers and steaks in that regard, and Italian sausage (though I honestly dont care for meat at all in Italian food). None of which come along all that much. Not a fan of stuff like pot roast or meat loaf and such. I think this had occurred to me before. I donate platelets on a regular basis (or try to), and Ive gotten turned away more than once due to my iron count being too low. They ask me how much red meat I eat, and in hindsight, Im always surprised that the answers 'not all that much'.
Okay, so maybe if I really, really tried, I might be able to get away with it. But not here. I looked up Charlotte Vegetarian/vegan places, and theres not much. Mostly Indian places with lots of things I cant pronounce and lentil. Lentil is too close to beans for my liking.
Like I said...Asheville's the SF of the East. They have lots of places that look interesting. Its also no secret to anyone that I want to move back west to the mountains. Its a win-win thing.
Itll still be the beans that kills me, though.

Hi! Beans do make up a relatively large part of a vegan/vegetarian diet (speaking as a vegan myself), but that's largely by choice. Beans contain lots of protein & fiber (less the inherent cruelty of animal products) so we tend to eat a lot of them. I happen to like beans, myself. I'm not a big fan of tofu as such, but I do eat a lot of things made from soy. Tofu = soy, but soy doesn't always = tofu. Tempeh is made from soy, too, as are lots of meat & dairy analogs. I've been vegetarian for over 21 years, and vegan for the last 13. I'm alive & well, and not missing out on anything. :-) There is so much more to it than "diet", especially for vegans. It's a way of life; it's realizing that we don't *need* to eat or use animal products in order to survive, and indeed thrive. Therefore, using animals for our own purposes is a choice. To each their own - far be it from me to tell anyone what to do with their lives - but I do believe that everyone should know *exactly* what is involved in putting that steak on their plate, or that milk in their glass, before making that choice. I'd be happy to provide you with links, if you're interested. BTW, your friend is *not* a "recovering vegetarian" - she is someone who didn't happen to eat animal flesh for a while, then started to again.
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