Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nostalgia's such a bitch

As I have recently tended to do during random spouts of boredom, Ive joined various groups on Facebook just for the hell of it. Some of these include a couple groups for the Nalgene Waterbottle, various Star Trek groups, something saluting the slinky, a couple for the lolcats, and a group thats bitching about North Carolina changing there license plates from blue to red.

At last count, Im in 55 groups. I only have 23 friends. And this is even after a friend kept nagging that my friend/group ratio was so skewed. So, if you know people that know me, send em my way.

We're getting off topic.
My most recently joined group is one for Camp Counselors. They share tips, tricks, good camper/evil camper stories, memories, quotes, pranks and all kinds of fun stuff from working at various camps from around the world. Of course, being the time it is now, everyones excited to be going back to camp.

If Im really, really lucky I might be able to sneak back fir a week to volunteer after the tournaments over. Im not holding my breath.

I miss camp. I miss being in the mountains. I miss my fellow counselors (well, most of em). Ah hell, I might as well say I miss it all.

Ok. Now that THATS out of my system, lets see what other nonsense groups I can take up space with.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Its all about the wood.

So, this year the USBC Womens National Bowling Tournament is being held in Charlotte NC. While neither of the main events are being held at the center I work at (singles/doubles and team), we are holding something called the Forty Frame Game, and the Ladies Bowlers Journal Singles Challenge and No-Tap Doubles. Both of these are optional first come, first serve tournaments that are mostly for fun.
We've had ladies with averages all over the place come in and bowl this thing. Some are barely breaking 100, while others are super-awsome bowlers with 200+ averages.

Its the latter group that surprises me. You would think that these people with uber high averages would be taking up all the spaces in the Top 25 posted, hoarding all the payout monies, etc.

For the most part, they suck.

Well, thats not to say they bowled badly. But to someone with a 208 average, a 160-something is not usually considered a good game. Hell, the woman up now has a 180 average, and might squeeze b with a 155 if she Turkeys in the Tenth.

My average fluctuates between 148 and 151, and I get miffed at myself if I bowl 148. How do you think some of these people feel?

A possible (and likely) explanation is that Uni Lanes are wood. Most places nowadays are synthetic. Apparently, people do better on synthetic than the real stuff. Why? I dont know. Im sure theres a nice detailed explanation for it, and if a really good, serious bowler type person stumbles upon this, Im sure theyll be able to enlighten us as to why.
Cuz I certainly have no idea. The only difference I can tell between the two is the sound my ball makes when it hits the lane after delivery.

I also cant tell much of a difference between a wet (fresh oil) and dry (little/no oil) lane, other than getting an oily ball back through the ball return.

Shows how much I know.
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