Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Is it possible?

For me to pop on here without feeling guilty all the time? I feel like a damn 7 year old who's sneaking in a cookiejar or reading under the covers at night.
Peace would be nice.
Stuck on You is on. Seems okay, but nothing special so far.
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Wonder how much you canoverwrite and edit HTML on this thing anyway...My DJ looked cool.
Anyway. Lets see...Bush is an asshole. If you disagree...well, shame on you. Ok, so you have a right to your opinion. Oh well.
Cutting funding for Domestic stuff so he can build up our military. Whats wrong with this? Heres another goody

MS. MORNIN: That's good, because I work three jobs and I feel like I contribute.
THE PRESIDENT: You work three jobs?
MS. MORNIN: Three jobs, yes.
THE PRESIDENT: Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that. (Applause.) Get any sleep? (Laughter.)

Not funny. nope, nada... She shouldnt have to work three jobs.

Okay, on to cheery stuff. Im not cheery though. Umm.... I cant find a job. I get to settle for parttime shit til I can find something decent. CJ is a really good field to study, but sense my thing about being a cop went out the window, I cant get up the motivation or interest to find anything else. Oh well. Theres always my music. and meteorolgy. Seen Twister waay to many times.
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Monday, February 07, 2005

Yay. New blog. Realized my deadjournal started deleteing old posts as I uploaded new stuff. Nice of them.
If your nice, Ill give you the old link. Maybe.
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