This bowling ball isn't human! It doesn't feel pain! It can't be reasoned with!
Eh...yah. I missed a day or three. Sorry about that.
I got pulled into the middle of an interesting spat at work today. It was very strange...I think they were both defending me to each other on...something. I still have questions. In an unrelated, (but not really) scene, Player One kept asking Player 2 to explain something or other regarding an incident last night. P2 did. Or tried to, anyway...P1 barely let the guy get half a sentence in edgewise before making all kinds of (incorrect) presumptions and bullshit empathetic 'i understand' statements regarding P2s job. Ahem. Right. Theyve been bad about that lately.
Bowling itself is going pretty well. Came out of the 9 game establishment with a 154 average and currently hold a 160, as opposed to the 140s of last year. So long as I can maintain it, Im good.
Not likely, though, Ill have a handfull of crappy sets coming up soon. Ill be back down to the 140s in no time.
I also think I established a new personal high of 235 last week. I dont remember exactly.
Completely unrelated, but I FINALLY got ahold of some music that Ive been searching for for years. WitchBlade was an awesome show that got kicked way to early. Part of what made it so awesome was its music. It was an awesome combo of some known artist and songs, and original compositions by Joel Goldsmith. The first batch...songs that were played throughout the episodes like U2 and Rob Zombie, Crystal Method, and many others were easy to find. The original stuff, however, was no where to be found. No official releases of anything, which meant there were no unofficial releases, or even bad quality bootlegs some electronic genius geek managed to snag from their tapes.
For my birthday, I received WitchBlade DVD, and Ive been able to spend some time catching up and rewatching episodes. This, of course, has brought back the fact that I still want the music, so along with plans to not only burn a new WitchBlade mix and edit a WitchBlade playlist on my zen vision, I made one more futile attempt to search for the original score. It surprised the hell out of me when my search wasnt futile.
I got my signed CD yesterday. W00T!
Now playing: Joel Goldsmith - Retro Motorcycles
via FoxyTunes
Stumble It!
I got pulled into the middle of an interesting spat at work today. It was very strange...I think they were both defending me to each other on...something. I still have questions. In an unrelated, (but not really) scene, Player One kept asking Player 2 to explain something or other regarding an incident last night. P2 did. Or tried to, anyway...P1 barely let the guy get half a sentence in edgewise before making all kinds of (incorrect) presumptions and bullshit empathetic 'i understand' statements regarding P2s job. Ahem. Right. Theyve been bad about that lately.
Bowling itself is going pretty well. Came out of the 9 game establishment with a 154 average and currently hold a 160, as opposed to the 140s of last year. So long as I can maintain it, Im good.
Not likely, though, Ill have a handfull of crappy sets coming up soon. Ill be back down to the 140s in no time.
I also think I established a new personal high of 235 last week. I dont remember exactly.
Completely unrelated, but I FINALLY got ahold of some music that Ive been searching for for years. WitchBlade was an awesome show that got kicked way to early. Part of what made it so awesome was its music. It was an awesome combo of some known artist and songs, and original compositions by Joel Goldsmith. The first batch...songs that were played throughout the episodes like U2 and Rob Zombie, Crystal Method, and many others were easy to find. The original stuff, however, was no where to be found. No official releases of anything, which meant there were no unofficial releases, or even bad quality bootlegs some electronic genius geek managed to snag from their tapes.
For my birthday, I received WitchBlade DVD, and Ive been able to spend some time catching up and rewatching episodes. This, of course, has brought back the fact that I still want the music, so along with plans to not only burn a new WitchBlade mix and edit a WitchBlade playlist on my zen vision, I made one more futile attempt to search for the original score. It surprised the hell out of me when my search wasnt futile.
I got my signed CD yesterday. W00T!
Now playing: Joel Goldsmith - Retro Motorcycles
via FoxyTunes

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