Stereos and crowded places
Its crowded in the bowling alley. People chatting, laughing, sometimes grumbling if they ended up with a split or didnt pick up what should have been an easy spare. And of course every three or four seconds the sound of bowling balls slamming into pins.
Faintly, I can here the stereo system in the background. Im actually thrilled at this, as they dont have it on the same station that they seem to favor every night. Whatever they do have it on has a playlist of thirty songs. Hearing them night after night for a year, get the picture.
Anyway, they finally decided to play something different. However, it was at a level I could barely hear. Trying to figure out the song, I had narrowed it down to WallFlowers "One Headlight" and Sean Combs/Puff Daddy/P-Diddy/Who-The-Hell-Cares-Anymore "Ill Be Missing You". The base parts are actually quite similar. When I did finally identify it as the latter, I could hear the song quite clearly; every word, note, verse, chorus, etc. As if I never had any trouble at all in the first places.
Maybe sense it was a song that I already knew, once I identified it my brain went ahead and filled in the rest of the puzzle for me. Didnt have enough information the first time around.
Ok. Nuff of my random nonsense for now.
Stumble It!
Faintly, I can here the stereo system in the background. Im actually thrilled at this, as they dont have it on the same station that they seem to favor every night. Whatever they do have it on has a playlist of thirty songs. Hearing them night after night for a year, get the picture.
Anyway, they finally decided to play something different. However, it was at a level I could barely hear. Trying to figure out the song, I had narrowed it down to WallFlowers "One Headlight" and Sean Combs/Puff Daddy/P-Diddy/Who-The-Hell-Cares-Anymore "Ill Be Missing You". The base parts are actually quite similar. When I did finally identify it as the latter, I could hear the song quite clearly; every word, note, verse, chorus, etc. As if I never had any trouble at all in the first places.
Maybe sense it was a song that I already knew, once I identified it my brain went ahead and filled in the rest of the puzzle for me. Didnt have enough information the first time around.
Ok. Nuff of my random nonsense for now.