Where're all the cars?
Yeh. Weird, I know. Not an hour ago I was sitting in a nice 'little' clog due to a fender-bender and here I am asking where the cars are.
NC liscence plate system is as follows. The first three characters are letters, then theres a dash, then 4 numbers. So your basic non-custom standard plate looks like this: ABC-1234. It takes about a year for a letter to run its course (The first letter...). This year all the plates start with V, last year was T, the year before that was S...get the picture? Anyway, a few years ago. There were tons of cars that had P series Plates, Pxx-xxxx, and a handful of Ns. Not many before that. The next year, I didnt see to many Ns, a handfull of Ps, and a shit load of Rs. This pattern continues to present day. Where V plates and T plates are all over the place.
Are we really so materialistic that we absolutly have to have a brand new car every other year or something? What other reasons am I missing that everyone seems to be getting a new vehicle all the damn time?
Ill keep my "A" series plate, thankyouverymuch.
Stumble It!
NC liscence plate system is as follows. The first three characters are letters, then theres a dash, then 4 numbers. So your basic non-custom standard plate looks like this: ABC-1234. It takes about a year for a letter to run its course (The first letter...). This year all the plates start with V, last year was T, the year before that was S...get the picture? Anyway, a few years ago. There were tons of cars that had P series Plates, Pxx-xxxx, and a handful of Ns. Not many before that. The next year, I didnt see to many Ns, a handfull of Ps, and a shit load of Rs. This pattern continues to present day. Where V plates and T plates are all over the place.
Are we really so materialistic that we absolutly have to have a brand new car every other year or something? What other reasons am I missing that everyone seems to be getting a new vehicle all the damn time?
Ill keep my "A" series plate, thankyouverymuch.

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