Well, THAT was fun...
Sara Evans quit "Dancing With the Stars". She's filed for divorce and needed to be with her family. What shitty timing. Really. Surely this wasnt some sudden descision. This had to have been on the back burner for a good while. The only thing I can think of is that she had never expected to get this far. Her dancing may be (barely) mediocre, but she probably had the biggest fan-base ever seen on the show. As we've seen, fan base means everything. A lack of it has sent the two best ladies home for two weeks in a row.
I feel even worse for Willa, now. It would have been so easy for the DWS people to stick Sara and Jerry in the "red", and then send Sara home.Now, unless by some odd miracle they invite Willa back ( I wish...), not only is ABC ending the series a week early (shouldnt be to hard to stick "Special Episode" of Housewives or Lost or Greys in their somewhere), but the timing block might have been skewed. Or maybe not. I think next weeks show wouldve already been down to the hour mark anyway.
Sara is an awesome artist with wonderful music, and though I pretty much respect her descision in this matter, I have to wonder...why now? why wait so long? why sign on for this in the first place?
Not all that relevant now, but the episode after she dropped out didnt actually eliminate anyone. TV Execs CAN be smart. Cool. I missed the Results show, and would have loved to see if they stuck a couple players in the red to scare the crap out of them...
Stumble It!
I feel even worse for Willa, now. It would have been so easy for the DWS people to stick Sara and Jerry in the "red", and then send Sara home.
Sara is an awesome artist with wonderful music, and though I pretty much respect her descision in this matter, I have to wonder...why now? why wait so long? why sign on for this in the first place?
Not all that relevant now, but the episode after she dropped out didnt actually eliminate anyone. TV Execs CAN be smart. Cool. I missed the Results show, and would have loved to see if they stuck a couple players in the red to scare the crap out of them...