"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"
I dont drink. Well, much anyway. I never have had much of a taste for beer, and alcoholic beverages as a whole cost too much for me to mess with. Seriously, why would I pay $3.25 for a bottle of Bud or $7.54 for a margarita (that Ive never had) when I get soda's for free? Hell, I can honestly tell you that I taste no difference between Miller and Budweiser. The last time I had a beer was in April.
Needless to say, when I randomly splurged and brought a Sam Adams mixed pack (I wanted to try something different that actually was different), my parents were surprised, and not pleased.
For the life of me, I dont know why. Im over 21,and therefore legally able to purchase alcohol. Theyve never said a word to my sister (whom you may recall has 'issues')when she brings home wine coolers and orders some kind of mixed frozen drink thingy every other time we go out to dinner.
So why does me buying a 6 pack bother them so damn much, especially when my last drink was in April? Ive pretty much resigned myself to the fact that they arent going to see me as anything older than 10 until I aquire a job that pays enough to move out. I really, really dislike living here.
Or maybe its because theres not all that much room in the fridge.
Now playing: Mychael Danna, Jeff Danna - The Blood of Cu Chulainn
via FoxyTunes
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Needless to say, when I randomly splurged and brought a Sam Adams mixed pack (I wanted to try something different that actually was different), my parents were surprised, and not pleased.
For the life of me, I dont know why. Im over 21,and therefore legally able to purchase alcohol. Theyve never said a word to my sister (whom you may recall has 'issues')when she brings home wine coolers and orders some kind of mixed frozen drink thingy every other time we go out to dinner.
So why does me buying a 6 pack bother them so damn much, especially when my last drink was in April? Ive pretty much resigned myself to the fact that they arent going to see me as anything older than 10 until I aquire a job that pays enough to move out. I really, really dislike living here.
Or maybe its because theres not all that much room in the fridge.
Now playing: Mychael Danna, Jeff Danna - The Blood of Cu Chulainn
via FoxyTunes