Genesis 101: Adam, Steve and the Banana
The various ways people translate the Bible is an extremely broad spectrum. Some believe that every single thing it says is precise and clear, not up for debate and must be obeyed regardless. Then there are others who see it as sort of Guidelines (defined ala PoTC), if you will.
All that aside, the non-law based mistranslations are more fun. One of the more commonly 'known' ones would be the Three Wise Men/Kings myth.
Three Gifts? Yes. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
Three king-like people to deliver them? Um, no.
Nowhere in the Bible does it ever say that there were only three people. Besides, would someone with such a high stature as a 'king' be out all on his lonesome with only a camel for company? No again. He'd have a military escort of some kind at the very least, and at the most he wouldve packed up a good bit of his household and drug them along for the ride.
Another amusing myth is the story of Adam and Eve and the Forbidden fruit. In any case that the fruit is actually named (not just called the Forbidden Fruit), its always an apple (never seen otherwise). Apple? Why apple?
Once again, the Bible does not specifically say that Eve got an apple.
For all we know it couldve been a banana. Theres all sorts ofkinky things to do with a banana. Maybe God wasnt quite ready to go there yet.
Besides, if the apple really was the forbidden fruit, dontcha think it would be listed right up there with pork as 'list of things to avoid'?

Stumble It!
All that aside, the non-law based mistranslations are more fun. One of the more commonly 'known' ones would be the Three Wise Men/Kings myth.
Three Gifts? Yes. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
Three king-like people to deliver them? Um, no.
Nowhere in the Bible does it ever say that there were only three people. Besides, would someone with such a high stature as a 'king' be out all on his lonesome with only a camel for company? No again. He'd have a military escort of some kind at the very least, and at the most he wouldve packed up a good bit of his household and drug them along for the ride.
Another amusing myth is the story of Adam and Eve and the Forbidden fruit. In any case that the fruit is actually named (not just called the Forbidden Fruit), its always an apple (never seen otherwise). Apple? Why apple?
Once again, the Bible does not specifically say that Eve got an apple.
For all we know it couldve been a banana. Theres all sorts of
Besides, if the apple really was the forbidden fruit, dontcha think it would be listed right up there with pork as 'list of things to avoid'?


The "apple" actually came from John Milton in Paradise Lost. There's no way apples were growing in that region of the Middle East!
Ah, I had wondered where it had originated. Either way, quite a few others have picked it up.
Granted, banana's are even less likely to grow over there. My mind went on one of its tangents, and it kind of...well, stuck.
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