"Tell me, oh muse..."
About a month ago, I accidentally discovered Loreena McKennit was going to be in Ashville the same weekend I had planned to be in Cullowhee. Okay, a day earlier, but whose counting?
The concert was absolutely incredible. Loreena, of course was great, and so was her band. Especially the cellist and the violinist (Not to long ago I decided if could ever go back to fourth grade and repick the instruments we had to learn in 5th and 6th, Id go with those two, instead of sax and trombone :\ ).
I had never been to one of her shows before, so I wasnt all that sure what to expect. I had heard somewhere that there were two sets, the first being music from the latest album, which the tour was for (in this case Ancient Muse), and the second was other music from previous CDs (Lady of Shallot, Mummers Dance, Highwayman, etc).
This wasnt the case tonight. She played both types on both sets.
I have no idea how often (or if) this happens at her shows, but tonight we had dancers. Other showgoers just got up from their seats, and danced. I first noticed the one during "The Highwayman". There was ample space on the side walkway, under that balcony, and she just danced, swaying and occasionaly leaping to the music. Not a care in the world, not giving a damn of what others thought. A couple of songs later, I noticed movement in the balcony of the other side of the stage. A couple others were standing along the top aisle, swaying. Every few minutes I glanced back, and almost each time another had joined them.
I was envious of them on two counts. One, because I didnt have the guts to do something like that (though I kind of felt like it) and two, even if I did, I wasnt sitting anywhere near and open spot. Just smack in the middle of a row. Yay.
The only negative aspect was the venue itself. The seats were cramped, and for someone like me, it wasnt all that comfortable. Usually, I get aisle seats. Not tonight. The seating made it difficult to just sit back and relax. Hard to do when your knee's slam into the seat in front of you.
Right when Loreena started into her second piece of the evening, "Mummers Dance" the event staff had opened the doors to allow the latecommers in. How distracting! Okay, so they technically waited til she had finnished the first piece, but still...
I stood in line at the merchandise table, trying in vain to decide between the T shirt and the Nights at Alhambra DVD. Come crunch time, know which one I ended up with?
Pah. I got em both. It was very spur of the moment. I had already been standing there with an "uhhh..." look on my face for a few seconds.
I really enjoyed this show, and I look forward to watching the DvD. Perhaps Ill write more when Im not so tired (incoming 1am here), and my mind is clearer.
Stumble It!
The concert was absolutely incredible. Loreena, of course was great, and so was her band. Especially the cellist and the violinist (Not to long ago I decided if could ever go back to fourth grade and repick the instruments we had to learn in 5th and 6th, Id go with those two, instead of sax and trombone :\ ).
I had never been to one of her shows before, so I wasnt all that sure what to expect. I had heard somewhere that there were two sets, the first being music from the latest album, which the tour was for (in this case Ancient Muse), and the second was other music from previous CDs (Lady of Shallot, Mummers Dance, Highwayman, etc).
This wasnt the case tonight. She played both types on both sets.
I have no idea how often (or if) this happens at her shows, but tonight we had dancers. Other showgoers just got up from their seats, and danced. I first noticed the one during "The Highwayman". There was ample space on the side walkway, under that balcony, and she just danced, swaying and occasionaly leaping to the music. Not a care in the world, not giving a damn of what others thought. A couple of songs later, I noticed movement in the balcony of the other side of the stage. A couple others were standing along the top aisle, swaying. Every few minutes I glanced back, and almost each time another had joined them.
I was envious of them on two counts. One, because I didnt have the guts to do something like that (though I kind of felt like it) and two, even if I did, I wasnt sitting anywhere near and open spot. Just smack in the middle of a row. Yay.
The only negative aspect was the venue itself. The seats were cramped, and for someone like me, it wasnt all that comfortable. Usually, I get aisle seats. Not tonight. The seating made it difficult to just sit back and relax. Hard to do when your knee's slam into the seat in front of you.
Right when Loreena started into her second piece of the evening, "Mummers Dance" the event staff had opened the doors to allow the latecommers in. How distracting! Okay, so they technically waited til she had finnished the first piece, but still...
I stood in line at the merchandise table, trying in vain to decide between the T shirt and the Nights at Alhambra DVD. Come crunch time, know which one I ended up with?
Pah. I got em both. It was very spur of the moment. I had already been standing there with an "uhhh..." look on my face for a few seconds.
I really enjoyed this show, and I look forward to watching the DvD. Perhaps Ill write more when Im not so tired (incoming 1am here), and my mind is clearer.

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