New toys
About a week ago, I broke my mp3 player. Sinse it was purchased from WalMart, I made a couple attempts to BS my way into a new one there. Heck knows it worked enough in Sylva.
Guess my luck ran out. The Zen Touch run ended months ago, and hasnt offered it in about as much time. The best I could do was claim that I got it this past Christmas (actually, I got it the one before). I had a receipt and everything.
Thing is, Walmart cant make up thier minds. One says 15 days, one says thirty. Someone also says x amount of months if you have this, this and this.
Screw it. Walmart can go fuck itself, and I went and got a pretty Zen Vision from Circuit City. Squee!
And I got the case. It was on sale.
When loading music, it was easier to dump everything in it, then go back and pick out the stuff I didnt want on there. What started at 3500 songs is now down to 3200. Im almost halfway through.
Now I just need to find a place to get vids.
If I have time this weekend, I have a couple seasons of MASH, Star Trek DS9 and West WIng I may fiddle around with.
Eh, are the video's on iTunes formatted for Pods only?
Stumble It!
Guess my luck ran out. The Zen Touch run ended months ago, and hasnt offered it in about as much time. The best I could do was claim that I got it this past Christmas (actually, I got it the one before). I had a receipt and everything.
Thing is, Walmart cant make up thier minds. One says 15 days, one says thirty. Someone also says x amount of months if you have this, this and this.
Screw it. Walmart can go fuck itself, and I went and got a pretty Zen Vision from Circuit City. Squee!
And I got the case. It was on sale.
When loading music, it was easier to dump everything in it, then go back and pick out the stuff I didnt want on there. What started at 3500 songs is now down to 3200. Im almost halfway through.
Now I just need to find a place to get vids.
If I have time this weekend, I have a couple seasons of MASH, Star Trek DS9 and West WIng I may fiddle around with.
Eh, are the video's on iTunes formatted for Pods only?

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