Back again. Maybe
I realized that its been almost 4 months since I posted here. I wouldnt say that I dont have that much to write about, but as Ive ranted on earlier, I tend not to remember whatever it was I wanted to write about earlier.
Actually, thats not true. I have 3 drafts sitting in edit that I havent finished. Topics are kinda...touchy. Which is why they arent posted yet.
As for this whole thing now, I dont like it when theres months between post. With that in mind, Im going to restart a thing i did a couple years ago. Blog a day for 30 days.
Honestly, I dont expect to do quite as well.
Not much going on now. Catching up on Fall TV premiers. Ive had to work late these past couple weeks.
Sarah Connor is turning out interesting. I dont remember the neighbors name, but it wouldnt surprise me that the boy she's carrying is which ever one of the Reese brothers is older (No. I dont remember which ones older).
I take that back. The timings not right. Nevermind.
CSI Miami is so full of absolute shit, I dont know how its still on.
NCIS is my favorite show thats on right now. I love the character dynamics and interaction and the plots. Im surprised that its not as popular as some of the other shows.
Speaking of CSI shows..Has this been used yet? I only watch NCIS and barely pay attention to CSI Miami, so I dont know about New York and Vegas. Some computer hack has a load of info on their hard drive, but no one can find it. That old Nintendo on the shelf is just that...right? The R2D2 in the corner looks quite at home among the rest of the Star Wars toys. So does the guitar in the corner, and that old radio, and the....
You get the picture.
I can see Tony (NCIS) finding the Nintendo by accident. He and McGee have returned once again to the vic/suspects residence, and another search has once again proved fruitless. Tony goes to mess with the NES, and either a)notices the non-nintendo outlets in the back or b)tries to turn it on and wonder why it doesnt work.
Enter Gibbs with a Gibbs-slap for going off task.
Im almost done playing catch-up. Still need to watch Knight Rider some time tomorrow, and we recorded Chuck while Terminator was on.
DVR is damn useful.
Charlotte's still mostly out of gas. I thought Id be able to hold off til the lines get down and we get gas back in. Looks like Ill be joining the que of the first station I find tomorrow thats not empty. If I really wanted to be an idiot, Id say that I have about 30 more miles and hold off longer. Which, I do, actually. I dont measure how much is in my tank by the gas gauge. Trip odometer gets reset at every fill-up. Damn needle is all over the place once I get the 1/4th tank remaining mark.
Stumble It!
Actually, thats not true. I have 3 drafts sitting in edit that I havent finished. Topics are kinda...touchy. Which is why they arent posted yet.
As for this whole thing now, I dont like it when theres months between post. With that in mind, Im going to restart a thing i did a couple years ago. Blog a day for 30 days.
Honestly, I dont expect to do quite as well.
Not much going on now. Catching up on Fall TV premiers. Ive had to work late these past couple weeks.
Sarah Connor is turning out interesting.
I take that back. The timings not right. Nevermind.
CSI Miami is so full of absolute shit, I dont know how its still on.
NCIS is my favorite show thats on right now. I love the character dynamics and interaction and the plots. Im surprised that its not as popular as some of the other shows.
Speaking of CSI shows..Has this been used yet? I only watch NCIS and barely pay attention to CSI Miami, so I dont know about New York and Vegas. Some computer hack has a load of info on their hard drive, but no one can find it. That old Nintendo on the shelf is just that...right? The R2D2 in the corner looks quite at home among the rest of the Star Wars toys. So does the guitar in the corner, and that old radio, and the....
You get the picture.
I can see Tony (NCIS) finding the Nintendo by accident. He and McGee have returned once again to the vic/suspects residence, and another search has once again proved fruitless. Tony goes to mess with the NES, and either a)notices the non-nintendo outlets in the back or b)tries to turn it on and wonder why it doesnt work.
Enter Gibbs with a Gibbs-slap for going off task.
Im almost done playing catch-up. Still need to watch Knight Rider some time tomorrow, and we recorded Chuck while Terminator was on.
DVR is damn useful.
Charlotte's still mostly out of gas. I thought Id be able to hold off til the lines get down and we get gas back in. Looks like Ill be joining the que of the first station I find tomorrow thats not empty. If I really wanted to be an idiot, Id say that I have about 30 more miles and hold off longer. Which, I do, actually. I dont measure how much is in my tank by the gas gauge. Trip odometer gets reset at every fill-up. Damn needle is all over the place once I get the 1/4th tank remaining mark.

I think you can do it. I'm having a hard time blogging, too. I need some sort of writing exercise to help me get back into it. It's been a while since my last post, too.
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