Transparent Screens
Im sure quite a few of you are familiar with a sort-of-new computer desktop trick. Transparent screens. I first saw a few of them about a year ago on College Humor, when it was still an amusing site. More recently, a flickr slide show of these things starting making rounds. Its really cool. Not only are there the standard single computer screen with whatever's behind it, there are some that have multiple screens lined up one behind (or off to an angle, or...) the other.
One thing I have noticed though, is that all Ive seen are Macs. I think. There might be a couple that could be Linux, but I cant get a good look at the screen to try and ID the OS. Im pretty sure Ive never seen it with a Windows machine though.
Why? Do Macs have some special tool that makes this project easier, or is it one of those things that Mac users just like to do that Windoze people dont bother with?
Okay, I spoke to soon. A quick google image search let loose with plenty of Win-based desktops as well. Oops.
So Ill ask this. Whats the best way to do this? Take a picture of whatevers behind your monitor and photoshop the dimensions to death 'til it fits?
Stumble It!
One thing I have noticed though, is that all Ive seen are Macs. I think. There might be a couple that could be Linux, but I cant get a good look at the screen to try and ID the OS. Im pretty sure Ive never seen it with a Windows machine though.
Why? Do Macs have some special tool that makes this project easier, or is it one of those things that Mac users just like to do that Windoze people dont bother with?
Okay, I spoke to soon. A quick google image search let loose with plenty of Win-based desktops as well. Oops.
So Ill ask this. Whats the best way to do this? Take a picture of whatevers behind your monitor and photoshop the dimensions to death 'til it fits?

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