Seriously, how good is Heroes?
Um...I really dont know. Ive never seen a single episode.
Actually, Ive seen very little of primetime TV these past couple of seasons. What few hours I do get in my current job are straight through primetime. There are actually a handfull of shows that I would like to watch, Hero's is one of them. I also enjoyed The Unit. Though most people think its stupid, Wife Swap has its hysterical moments. Mind boggling moments too.
That leaves me with a mere 3 shows that I watch on a semi regular basis: NCIS(when I remember to set the VCR)and Numb3rs are the two most frequent. I also watch CIS Miami, but with much less enthusiasm. Miami has had so many plot holes and 'WTF?' incidents these past couple of seasons that its barely watchable. I kind of watch Men in Tree's, but its sort of on the dull side at times.
At the moment, my favorite show in NCIS. I started watching this one somewhere near the start of the second season, give or take. Or maybe it was near the end of the first...Im not sure, because Kate was killed off in the 2nd season finale, and I recall a bunch of Kate much for one season.
I recall that by the time "Twilight" came around, everyone knew someone was going to die, but they didnt know who. Damn...I thought Kate was the obvious choice.
The two characters they brought in to 'replace' Kate were, well...both good and bad. For the most part, Ive enjoyed watching Ziva, though I think they missed out on a HUGE opportunity for her character development from the episode "Dead Man Walking".
Director Sheppard? Hmm....Most of the time, I didnt mind her all that much. Most people hated her though, and its pretty obvious as to why. Sheppard and GIbbs have an intimate history. During her first season, it was a rare episode where she didnt bring that up. We got tired of it, and a particular fangroup really didnt like her 'intruding on someone elses territory'.
She has, however, gotten much better about it this season.
Ive found it extremely amusing that almost everyone knows what a Gibbs-slap is. Even those that dont watch it.
Damn. I just did an entire post mainly on TV Gossip. Holy shit.
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Actually, Ive seen very little of primetime TV these past couple of seasons. What few hours I do get in my current job are straight through primetime. There are actually a handfull of shows that I would like to watch, Hero's is one of them. I also enjoyed The Unit. Though most people think its stupid, Wife Swap has its hysterical moments. Mind boggling moments too.
That leaves me with a mere 3 shows that I watch on a semi regular basis: NCIS(when I remember to set the VCR)and Numb3rs are the two most frequent. I also watch CIS Miami, but with much less enthusiasm. Miami has had so many plot holes and 'WTF?' incidents these past couple of seasons that its barely watchable. I kind of watch Men in Tree's, but its sort of on the dull side at times.
At the moment, my favorite show in NCIS. I started watching this one somewhere near the start of the second season, give or take. Or maybe it was near the end of the first...Im not sure, because Kate was killed off in the 2nd season finale, and I recall a bunch of Kate much for one season.
I recall that by the time "Twilight" came around, everyone knew someone was going to die, but they didnt know who. Damn...I thought Kate was the obvious choice.
The two characters they brought in to 'replace' Kate were, well...both good and bad. For the most part, Ive enjoyed watching Ziva, though I think they missed out on a HUGE opportunity for her character development from the episode "Dead Man Walking".
Director Sheppard? Hmm....Most of the time, I didnt mind her all that much. Most people hated her though, and its pretty obvious as to why. Sheppard and GIbbs have an intimate history. During her first season, it was a rare episode where she didnt bring that up. We got tired of it, and a particular fangroup really didnt like her 'intruding on someone elses territory'.
She has, however, gotten much better about it this season.
Ive found it extremely amusing that almost everyone knows what a Gibbs-slap is. Even those that dont watch it.
Damn. I just did an entire post mainly on TV Gossip. Holy shit.

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