Another Strike for Windows
Or: Day One, Post One.
For some reason or another, TPTB decided to move daylight savings time up. How they mangaged to pull this off, or why isnt really important right now. Maybe tomorrow, but not now.
What IS important is all the trouble this damn thing has been causing my computer. In order for my computer to adjust its clock accordingly, it needs the latest Windoze update. Fine. Since this is (sort of) important, Ill look into it. I wander to the Updates sight and follow the easy steps.
It doesnt work.
Not only that, I havent had an update sense November. WTF??? And while we're on the topic, how did I miss this?
It tells me to reinstall/reupdate some files that are apparently missing or hiding. Should be able to do so from there. Fine.
Well whaddya know, after three tries, it doesnt work.
Fine, I can set the clock on my computer all by myself, thanks. Not a big deal. I a, curious about the rest of my computer though. Were any of these updates vital?
Ah. Here we go, found the files that needed to be installed and did so via the handy-damndy .cmd route. After a brief wait, all the updates I had missed were ready and waiting, eager to be installed. I got most of em, ditched a few ( IE 7 anyone?), and now my comp ( I need to give it a name...hmm) needs to do the required shut-down thing. Because I really, really hate that "Windows needs to restart" popup, Ill humor it.
Stumble It!
For some reason or another, TPTB decided to move daylight savings time up. How they mangaged to pull this off, or why isnt really important right now. Maybe tomorrow, but not now.
What IS important is all the trouble this damn thing has been causing my computer. In order for my computer to adjust its clock accordingly, it needs the latest Windoze update. Fine. Since this is (sort of) important, Ill look into it. I wander to the Updates sight and follow the easy steps.
It doesnt work.
Not only that, I havent had an update sense November. WTF??? And while we're on the topic, how did I miss this?
It tells me to reinstall/reupdate some files that are apparently missing or hiding. Should be able to do so from there. Fine.
Well whaddya know, after three tries, it doesnt work.
Fine, I can set the clock on my computer all by myself, thanks. Not a big deal. I a, curious about the rest of my computer though. Were any of these updates vital?
Ah. Here we go, found the files that needed to be installed and did so via the handy-damndy .cmd route. After a brief wait, all the updates I had missed were ready and waiting, eager to be installed. I got most of em, ditched a few ( IE 7 anyone?), and now my comp ( I need to give it a name...hmm) needs to do the required shut-down thing. Because I really, really hate that "Windows needs to restart" popup, Ill humor it.

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