29 and counting
On April 26, I head westbound for a nice long weekend in Cullowhee, with a quick stop to Ashville for a Loreena McKennit concert. The minister of the church I (mostly) attended while I was at WCU is having a retirement party at the end of the month, and Ill take any exscuse to go 'home' for awhile, even if its only a few days. The concert is an added bonus. I had already made plans starting on the 27th, and then I was made aware that she was going to be in Ashville on the 26th. Whats a day early? Heck, Loreena is an incredible artist that tours all over North America and Europe, and one of her stops is a mountain city that many may not even consider a major city? Im stoked!
All in all, I really look forward to seeing and spending time with my friends again, and doing some of the stuff we used to. I miss them so much. Some days more than others. If I wasnt in the middle of a federal civil-service exam test-prep thing, Id make more of an effort to go job hunting in Ashville. But the civil service thing is in Charlotte (for now), and I dont have that much more to go.
Im almost dreading how much money Im about to spend though. Who knows what kind of stuff Ill get at the concert, plus the fact that I have EVERY intention of taking the Blue Ridge Parkway from Ashville to the Balsam exit as many times as I can, so long as the weathers decent (Taking this trip in the fog with less than 10 ft of visibility is NOT fun, thanks :P ). Based on the trip up, and the trip back, and then popping back to Ashville, Im counting atleast 3.
Taking the Parkway instead of I-40/Highway 74 adds more than a little extra mileage.
But its well worth it.
April 26 cant come fast enough.
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All in all, I really look forward to seeing and spending time with my friends again, and doing some of the stuff we used to. I miss them so much. Some days more than others. If I wasnt in the middle of a federal civil-service exam test-prep thing, Id make more of an effort to go job hunting in Ashville. But the civil service thing is in Charlotte (for now), and I dont have that much more to go.
Im almost dreading how much money Im about to spend though. Who knows what kind of stuff Ill get at the concert, plus the fact that I have EVERY intention of taking the Blue Ridge Parkway from Ashville to the Balsam exit as many times as I can, so long as the weathers decent (Taking this trip in the fog with less than 10 ft of visibility is NOT fun, thanks :P ). Based on the trip up, and the trip back, and then popping back to Ashville, Im counting atleast 3.
Taking the Parkway instead of I-40/Highway 74 adds more than a little extra mileage.
But its well worth it.
April 26 cant come fast enough.

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