So, Im reading this book...
Its a Star Trek book, based around the Klingon Empire. The Fleet has been given the assignment of exploring (every klingons dream =p) and charting an unexplored area of the beta-quadrant, with the intent of finding worlds to conquer and make apart of the Klingon Empire. According to Klingons, any world that they do succesfully conquer is theirs, and the natives are reduced to something called jegh'pu'wI, which is more or less defined as something between a slave and a citizen of the Empire.
I was wondering. What if that happened to us? Here we are, mere Earthlings going about our everyday buisness and all of a sudden some alien spieces show up with every intent on conquering us. Not neccesarily kill-anything-that moves way, but an overthrow. Would Earth be able to put up adequate defences? Or would the fact that we have so many individual governments spatting at each other hinder it? If the take-over species is capable of that kind of spaceflight, then they probably are extremly superior to us in other matters as well; technology, weapons, that kinda thing. Doubtfull that they would have anything like the Prime Directive on file. Some species may not be as thoughtfull as Vulcans, waiting until we achive Warp (or something similar) to make contact with us. From what many people say, it sounds as if we're expecting to be some of the first in space, establishing First Contact with everything else out there.
Who knows? Maybe theres a fleet of something out there, just beyond our satelites range, watching, plotting. Waiting to make US theyre jegh'pu'wI?
Yeh, I know Im harping a lot on Trek Lore, but its something to think about. Not only are we probably not alone in this big, bad universe; Its more than likely that most others we run into can kick our asses to the Delta Quad and back a few dozen times.
Stumble It!
I was wondering. What if that happened to us? Here we are, mere Earthlings going about our everyday buisness and all of a sudden some alien spieces show up with every intent on conquering us. Not neccesarily kill-anything-that moves way, but an overthrow. Would Earth be able to put up adequate defences? Or would the fact that we have so many individual governments spatting at each other hinder it? If the take-over species is capable of that kind of spaceflight, then they probably are extremly superior to us in other matters as well; technology, weapons, that kinda thing. Doubtfull that they would have anything like the Prime Directive on file. Some species may not be as thoughtfull as Vulcans, waiting until we achive Warp (or something similar) to make contact with us. From what many people say, it sounds as if we're expecting to be some of the first in space, establishing First Contact with everything else out there.
Who knows? Maybe theres a fleet of something out there, just beyond our satelites range, watching, plotting. Waiting to make US theyre jegh'pu'wI?
Yeh, I know Im harping a lot on Trek Lore, but its something to think about. Not only are we probably not alone in this big, bad universe; Its more than likely that most others we run into can kick our asses to the Delta Quad and back a few dozen times.

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