What are friends for, anyway?
When did a simple concept such as friendship become extinct? Apparently, no one can see a pair of guys or girls hanging out together without thinking something along the lines of 'theyre probably gay'.
The subject of Ophrah being a lesbian because Gayle's is always somewhere about was brought up.
GodDAMNIT its getting old. One, theyre really great friends. Yay! People take friendship like this for granted. Dont. Sometimes these friendships can mean just as much (if not moreso) than the relationship you have with your boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever. Two, she's rather high up in Ophrah's magazine/tv show/and-so-on (forgive me, Im really not the talk show type, and the only time ive ever picked up her magazine was at the doctors office. No offence, just not my type of thing. Thats why Im not sure exactly what Gayle does) . It wouldnt do if they hated each others guts, now, would it?
That goes for a guy and a girl hanging out together as well. Did you know that it IS possible for a male and a female to be very good friends, and not be dating/sleeping together/and so on? Probably a foreign concept to many. My two best friends are guys. I tend to get along with guys much better than I do girls.
So whats going to happen when I land myself a boyfriend? Will I have to fight off his jealous streak every time I talk to another guy? Every time I go hang out with my best friends? That just wont do.
Im tired of having to repeat time and time again that neither of the guys I hang out with are my boyfriend to the same people. "Are you sure youre not going out?" they ask, "Maybe your in denial" or "perhaps your ignoring the signals."
Its none of the above. I know where I stand.
Ive had to defend a similar position with another friend of mine, a woman. It was semi-common knowledge that she was a lesbian. We became friends when I was in school. Because I had been seen hanging out with her, all of a sudden I was bombarded with questions about me being gay. That did nothing but piss me off. Damnit, these were people that knew me! Or I thought they did anyway, at least well enough to know where I stood here.
Id say that the gall of some people amaze me, but at this point, Im no longer surprised at how shallow we've become.
Stumble It!
The subject of Ophrah being a lesbian because Gayle's is always somewhere about was brought up.
GodDAMNIT its getting old. One, theyre really great friends. Yay! People take friendship like this for granted. Dont. Sometimes these friendships can mean just as much (if not moreso) than the relationship you have with your boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever. Two, she's rather high up in Ophrah's magazine/tv show/and-so-on (forgive me, Im really not the talk show type, and the only time ive ever picked up her magazine was at the doctors office. No offence, just not my type of thing. Thats why Im not sure exactly what Gayle does) . It wouldnt do if they hated each others guts, now, would it?
That goes for a guy and a girl hanging out together as well. Did you know that it IS possible for a male and a female to be very good friends, and not be dating/sleeping together/and so on? Probably a foreign concept to many. My two best friends are guys. I tend to get along with guys much better than I do girls.
So whats going to happen when I land myself a boyfriend? Will I have to fight off his jealous streak every time I talk to another guy? Every time I go hang out with my best friends? That just wont do.
Im tired of having to repeat time and time again that neither of the guys I hang out with are my boyfriend to the same people. "Are you sure youre not going out?" they ask, "Maybe your in denial" or "perhaps your ignoring the signals."
Its none of the above. I know where I stand.
Ive had to defend a similar position with another friend of mine, a woman. It was semi-common knowledge that she was a lesbian. We became friends when I was in school. Because I had been seen hanging out with her, all of a sudden I was bombarded with questions about me being gay. That did nothing but piss me off. Damnit, these were people that knew me! Or I thought they did anyway, at least well enough to know where I stood here.
Id say that the gall of some people amaze me, but at this point, Im no longer surprised at how shallow we've become.

I could not agree more. I had a friend, lost touch with her over the years, but we went out all the time. The funny part though two, yes two of my buddies dated her, but we probably went out more than both of them combined. Why, I think it was the friendship. She once took me to a concert, and many times I went places only because she wanted to go, because she didn't have a car.
Sad to say but we do live in a shallow world.
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